Back pain is very common, and is not normally due to anything serious – even if the pain is very bad. Most people will experience back pain during their life and typically many episodes of back pain will settle within 6 weeks, although it's not uncommon to be longer especially if pain is felt into the leg.
What are the symptoms? Back pain is usually felt in your back and/or your buttock area, sometimes it can refer pain down your leg and you may experience some pins and needles and/or numbness/neuropathic pain. (See Red Flag Section for further information on symptoms)
Why do I have back pain? Back pain can occur due to an obvious injury but sometimes there may be no specific injury but often an underlying cause, routinely sitting at work for a long time without a break for example.
Persistent/chronic Back pain- we can help get you on a supported self-management programme
Neck pain is also common problem and most cases are not caused by a serious problem.
What are the symptoms? Pain around the neck is the most obvious symptom but it can be referred into the shoulders, shoulder blade area or to the face and head - this can vary from an intermittent ache to a more severe sharp pain. Frequently joint stiffness and tense muscles limit the movement of your neck and headaches are a common result of longstanding neck irritation. If a cervical nerve is irritated in the neck area, you may feel pain and/or numbness/pins and needles in your arm and hand. Dizziness and feeling light headed can also be a symptom of neck strain.
(See Red Flag Section for further information on symptoms)
Why do I have back Neck Pain? The cause of this pain can be obvious like an accident, spondylosis (spinal arthritis) or more subtle when related to a repetitive task or prolonged positions. Also anxiety and stress can cause tension in neck and spinal muscles. Head and neck movements when eyesight is deteriorating or the wearing of varifocal glasses. These and many other stresses can affect all ages from young children to adults. The popularity of laptops, electronic gaming and texting has led to an increase in teenagers experiencing neck pain. Cervical joints that are already affected by wear and tear are particularly susceptible to strain.
Our Physiotherapists can help diagnose your symptoms and have you back on the road to recovery in no time
What to do about Neck Pain
If you are unsure of concerned about your back pain then contact one of our Physiotherapists who can help diagnose your condition and put together a recovery plan with a specific exercise regime and personalised advice.
A shoulder injury or condition hampers your ability to move freely and can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort. Shoulder pain can come from the shoulder joint itself or from any of the many surrounding muscles, ligaments, tendons or bursa. Shoulder pain that comes from the joint usually worsens with activities or movement of your arm or shoulder. Shoulder pain that is referred from a different, underlying condition usually doesn't worsen when you move your shoulder. (See Red Flag section for further information on symptoms)
Why do I have shoulder pain? Shoulder pain can arise from an acute trauma, disease or be a gradual onset often due to repetitive tasks.
What are the symptoms? There are many and varied problems arising from the shoulder some of which are listed below:
First of all, don' t worry! For the vast majority of problems there is no special cause for concern other than treating the problem you are experiencing. Typically first stop is to book a session with your PFO physiotherapist who will make an assessment. We are formally trained in diagnosis which can, at times, uncover symptoms that need further investigation by your GP.
For example, you may experience
If you have any of these symptoms you should seek an urgent appointment with your GP as soon as possible
Cauda Equina Syndrome is a comparatively rare but very serious condition which occurs when the nerves located at the bottom of the spinal cord – known as the ‘cauda equina’ – become compressed. This compression causes Cauda Equina Syndrome which can manifest in a number of different ways:
Any combination of the above warning signs could be symptoms of Cauda Equina Syndrome.
Seek emergency medical help within 12 to 24 hours either at your GP setting or A&E
Regarding neck Pain we are formally trained in diagnosis which can, at times, uncover symptoms that need further investigation by your GP.
For example, you may experience:
If you have any of these symptoms you should seek an appointment with your GP as soon as possible
For the vast majority of shoulder problems there is no special cause for concern other than treating the problem you are experiencing. Typically first stop is to book a session with your PFO physiotherapist who will make an assessment. We are formally trained in diagnosis which can occasionally uncover symptoms that need further investigation by your GP.
Referred pain is shoulder pain that is generated by a different, underlying condition usually doesn't worsen when you move your shoulder.
Causes of referred shoulder pain may include:
If you have any of these symptoms you should seek an appointment with your GP as soon as possible
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